The U.S. Constitution provides many rights for people, including the right to be free from certain police conduct. Just because police officers have badges does not mean that they can act however they choose, especially regarding traffic stops and arrests. Often, constitutional violations by the police can result in a case getting thrown out of criminal court, so always have a lawyer evaluate whether this is a possible defense in your case.
False Arrest
One of the most common civil rights violations perpetrated by police officers is false arrest. In many instances, a police officer can arrest someone without a warrant if they suspect a felony or misdemeanor has been committed in their presence.
Yet, a police officer needs to be able to demonstrate that there was probable cause. After all, a police officer is not allowed to arrest someone without probable cause for committing a crime.
If you were falsely arrested, did not commit a crime, and gave the police no reason to believe you had, you could have suffered a constitutional violation. However, as a victim, you must work with a criminal defense attorney to prove that the police officer arrested you without probable cause.
Unlawful Searches
Police often want to search people, cars, or belongings when they make a traffic stop. Though they might have stopped someone for speeding, they may want to see if the driver has contraband in their vehicle, such as illegal drugs or weapons.
For a search to be lawful, police need a search warrant, consent, or exigent circumstances to justify a warrantless search. If a search is unlawful, the court should throw out any evidence that stemmed from the search.
Excessively Using Force
Police officers have the authority of the law behind them, but this doesn’t mean they don’t have to adhere to their state and federal laws. Many police officers, unfortunately, use excessive force in situations that don’t require it.
In many instances, excessive use of force claims attract public attention because the cases are usually outrageous and involve serious injury or even death. Other excessive force claims involve:
When determining if excessive force was used, our attorneys can examine whether such force was appropriate given the situation. In some cases, even if a police officer acted with good intentions, but their actions are deemed to involve excessive force, a victim can seek justice for the violation.
Get In Contact With A Montgomery Criminal Defense Attorney Today To Discuss Your Case
Unfortunately, police officers commonly commit constitutional violations. In the U.S. in recent years, many police officers have been violating civil rights through excessive force, false arrests, and police brutality. These violations can often help a criminal defendant’s case.
If you are facing criminal charges, you need to speak with a Montgomery criminal defense attorney. The team at Luck Law has the knowledge and experience needed to help you receive a just result in a complex criminal court system. Simply
get in touch with us here, and we will help you book a consultation.
Terry Luck has defended thousands of people charged with violating the law. Winning your case is our top priority. In this approach, we believe that we position our clients for the most favorable outcomes. When nothing less than "not guilty" will do, you deserve to give yourself the best chance of hearing those words. He has actively pursued and obtained "Not Guilty" verdicts for his clients.
Whether you are facing serious prison time, are concerned about having a criminal record or about losing your job or reputation, whether it is a serious felony or misdemeanor, we have the knowledge and experience to help achieve the best results for you. We routinely handle cases in Montgomery, Pike, Macon, Dallas and Lee counties of Alabama.
For a victim, what happens after an accident can involve thousands of dollars in medical bills, vehicle repairs, physical pain and discomfort, missed wages from taking time off work and sustained injuries. No one ever wishes for it to happen to them or a close loved one. You should know that you do have options and attorney Terry Luck knows how to get the best possible case outcome.
Alabama law is very different than other states when it comes to wrongful death cases. If you find yourself needing a trustworthy lawyer for a wrongful death case, Terry Luck is here for you. When you want honest, hard working, hard fought representation, you need Luck. Terry Luck will vigorously represent you, asserting your rights and your defenses and put you in the best position to win.
Terry Luck has litigated and handled cases involving millions of dollars in dispute. If you are represented by a billboard or TV Lawyer, contact Terry Luck to clean up their mess and manage an aggressive defense.
Luck Law, LLC.
Tiernan (Terry) W. Luck, III
621 South Hull Street
Montgomery, AL 36104
(334) 262-5455 office
(334) 263-1130 fax
The Law Offices of Tiernan (Terry) W. Luck III serve Montgomery County, Pike County, Dallas County, Macon County, Lee County including Montgomery, Troy, Pike Road, Shorter, Selma, and Tuskegee.
No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. No attorney-client relationship is established by requesting a consultation or by emailing the firm. Information submitted in such communication is not privileged and may be subject to disclosure.
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